Amazing Scenery along The Great Ocean Road Victoria

Ocean Road Tours often showcase the Amazing Scenery along The Great Ocean Road Victoria
It is true the Great Ocean Road is full of fantastic lookouts and breathtaking scenery and we here at ocean road tours can get you to see more of those magnificent Great Ocean Road Sights as we leave early and have a small group tour. This means you get to See, Hear, Enjoy and Experience more with Ocean Road Tours.
There is another important reason to Travel with Ocean Road Tours along The Great Ocean Road. Our amazing wildlife viewing. The early start with Ocean Road tours was planned so we arrive at the lookouts before they are disturbed by the hundreds of Travellers behind us.
We see Kangaroos In the wild and often they are fighting for Supremacy
Of course , even though they are hard to find sometimes, everyone loves a Koala
We even have some breakfast for the King Parrots, Crimson Rosellas and the occasional Sulphur Crested Cockatoo will drop by for a visit and something to eat.
The Great Ocean Road day tour by Ocean road Tours was designed to bring you the Very best a day tour can offer, combining stunning scenery with amazing close contact with our favourite animals, in their own natural environment.
Add to all this you dine on a memorable home cooked lunch while hearing the history and stories which bring this magnificent coast alive.
We hope you will join us soon for the best Great Ocean Road day tour we can offer from Ocean Road Tours, but do hurry our genuine small tours book out long in advance.